Welcome to Four G Networks

We are a communications consulting and engineering company. Our real world business experiences and entrepreneurial way of thinking, coupled with our many "industry firsts" have been honed to the company we are today. Our customers look to us to save them money and streamline their business.

It is our belief that status quo, can always be improved, and while most business have already found or identified the low hanging fruit; Four G Networks, provides tools and taller ladders that will produce the additional savings and business efficiencies this new economy demands.

Our Service Are

Voice and Data, Networks, Security, PCI, DSS, Payment Cards, Audits, Expense Management, Engineering, Project Management,


What We Offer ?

Beyond the years of experience the leaders at Four G, also bring a entreprinurial background that includes many firsts in the ISP, Network and Retail space. When you find yourself saying; "there has to be a better way...." Think Four G. Networks.


What We Do ?

We will do as little or as much as you need us to. Generally speaking we target the low hanging fruit that allows you to see an immediate savings in hard dollars, and man power each month, then we provide more tools, and taller ladders that enable us to find additional savings.


Get in touch

  • Address: 4035 SE 199th Ave, Camas, WA 98607
  • Telephone: 360-718-6297
  • FAX: 360-838-5783
  • E-mail: [email protected]


The News Letter is emailed monthly.

© Four G Networks, LLC. All Rights Reserved